New Member Class March/April 2022
Athens Lutheran Church will be holding new member classes on Tuesdays in March and April. They will be offered at 9:00am as well as at 6:30pm on March, 15th, 22nd, 29th, April 7th and 12th. Our goal is to receive new members at our 10:30 service on Easter Sunday.
The classes will cover Lutheran doctrine and practice as well as life in Christ at Athens Lutheran Church. The primary texts for the class will be the Bible and Luther’s Small Catechism.
New Member Class Videos from Lutheran Hour Ministries
You are encouraged to look at these materials before class to give us a starting point for discussion.
For class on:
March 15th: The Intro Video, #1, Why Jesus? and #2 Why the Bible?
March 22nd: #3 God’s Law, #4 The Nature of God, and #5 Who Is Jesus Christ?
March 29th: #6 Who Is the Holy Spirit?, #8 Baptism, and #9 Confession and Absolution
April 5th: #10 Communion and #11 The End of Time
April 12: #7 Prayer and #12 Christian Life